MetaMotion Mindful Movement

Therapeutic + Rehabilitative

Pilates | Yoga


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Change happens through movement and movement heals.
— Joseph Pilates

MetaMotion offers a boutique studio experience.

Locations in Hackensack, NJ & Flatiron, NYC.

Offerings . . .

Hi, I’m Rebecca…

OwneR, Founder, Certified Pilates Instructor + Yogi

I offer Pilates-based training, woven with yoga, breathwork, meditation, mindfulness, and more — personalized to your unique body history and wellness goals.

A life-long mover and dancer, beginning at the age of 21 I deepened my practices & studies of Pilates and yoga as a means to recover from a debilitating hip injury and unsuccessful major surgery.

I am passionate about this work for its capacity to allow for movement with and through chronic pain and discomfort. Whether suffering be from acute injury or habitual movement patterns and stress cycles, mindful movement creates new patterns that allow you to feel and perform at your best.

I work with each individual collaboratively, meeting you and your body where you are and offering a way to sense back into the body and self through movement.

It is a true joy for me to share the experience of finding strength, mobility, stability, mindfulness, or whatever you wish for in your physicality — and witnessing this translate to the mental and emotional states of being throughout your life.


Meet & Greet Call

Complimentary 15-minute call to discuss what you want to embody and explore how I can best support you.
